* * * Happy 2015 * * *

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your NYE with loved ones. Is it me or did 2014 just " flew " by so quick?!?!  I had many reflecting moments and learned that if something isn' t my time yet, I have to rest and give it to GOD. The struggle was real sometimes but I survived it and I've learned some new things about myself again. I definitely believe that you'll never stop learning new things about yourself untill the day we leave this earth.

My THEME Goal of 2014 was ~ to write an E-BOOK and start an ONLINE PROGRAM to inspire people and to help & guide them to be(come) a better version of themselve.

Did I accomplish this goal? Not completely. You see it wasn't time yet to write an E-book about what I've learned and how to create a colorful life (style). I wasn't ready and had to learn a few more things. Will I start this year? Yes I will start writing down the things that I've experienced and that made me a better person, but I will only publish it when GOD says it's the RIGHT time. Not my will but the Lords. Untill then I want to stay focused on Him and keep on doing the things He place(d) in my heart.

I can definitely say that He is preparing me for a new season. I thought that 2014 was about doing more, but instead GOD made me develop my creative side to a higher level. He gave me new ideas and made me "see" the connections with the ones that were already placed in my heart. It was a good year for Development and Resting.

I've also learned to trust more in GOD then what my own mind or people around me are trying to tell me ( with all do respect to them and my mind off course :) but it's amazing and incomprehensible how GOD can change a situation.  He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL and I know that I can ALWAYS count on Him no matter what. That I have nothing to worry about and that He can take care of me no matter the situation. Off course I'm not saying that I didn't do nothing at all last year. It's important to move when God wants YOU to move and rest when He says so.

So I'm exited for what this NEW YEAR will bring and I hope and pray that GOD does the same for you! Stay faithful to Him and let Him lead and guide You. Trust in the Lord and He will Never Fail you. I've experienced this since I gave my heart to jesus in January 2013.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog

Be good & stay positive

Much love

- Lin -


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